Sunday, October 3, 2010

When hiring salespeople, hire two because one will suck.

Source:  Klenke
I have found hiring good salespeople to be really difficult.  As my partner Pizzolato summarized [paraphrasing] "Look these guys are SALES people.  Even the shitty ones are pretty good at selling something.  Which means that in an interview, they'll be selling the one thing they should know really well, themselves."  i.e. 99% of people with real sales experience will come across great in an interview.  However, most of them probably will suck at selling your product.
Say you've got a new company selling a new product.  You probably don't have any sales training program, little product information and an ill-defined set of targets.  That's a really tough place for anyone.  So now you hire someone, you train them (painful) and send the out to start smiling and dialing.  And not much happens.  Is the problem you(i.e. your training program), your product or the person you hired?
Hire two...if one of them gets it and the other doesn't then it's not you or the product.  It's the one that sucks.

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